LLC «Bimex Group»

«Bimex Group»

Phone: +7 (495) 988-80-43

+7 (495) 988-80-43

Main  → Services → Container transportations

Container transportations

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Error: DB error: execution error. Ошибка в ходе исполнения запроса.

Error: DB error: execution error. Ошибка в ходе исполнения запроса.

• In the second half of XX century the new period of line navigation was marked by radical changes in transportation technologies, which were brought by container revolution. Success in containerization is based on a number of evident advantages of container transportations:
• rise of cargo safety with lowing of expeditures for package;
• sharp acceleration of speed of cargo works;
• regularity of container dispatches from ports;
• simplization of technic of cargo transfer from one type of transport to another in transportation by different means of transport or different transportators.

• We offer our clients container cargo transportations to all world regions using containers of different types and sizes.

• To provide choosing a container of a right type and size and also in a right quantity our company collaborates with container navigator lines, railway lines, container depots, leasing companies and container producers.

• Our company is capable to provide for its clients all spectrum of works and services in container transportations. In particular:
• delivery of empty containers for loading to a sender's store - house;
• transportation of containers by railway lines. Transportation by auto transport, marine and inland waterway tonnage, delivery by cargo planes;
• transfer-reloadings of containers in transfer ports during the transportation;
• loading containers and fastening of cargoes in containers for following sending or unfastening and unloading for delivery to a client or following resending;
• registration of cargo documents and other formalities;
• constant control over container transportation.

• Our company is ready to offer following types of containers for your cargo transportation:
• 20' / 40' Dry Freight Container
• 40' / 45' High Cube Container
• 20' / 40' Reefer Container
• 40' / 45' High Cube Reefer Container
• 20' / 40' Open Top Container
• 20' / 40' Flat Rack Container
• 20' / 40' Collapsible Rack Container
• 20' / 40' Insulated Container
• 20' Open Side Container
• 40' Artificial Tweendeck
• 20' Tank Container